

廖 立

发布时间 :2018年07月12日      阅读量:


廖立,男,工学博士,DB真人-DB真人试玩 副教授,硕士生导师。承担本科生"工科大学化学"、研究生"新型无机材料"等课程教学任务。


Mobile: 18982200324

Email: [email protected]

地址:四川大学化工DB真人 412室邮编:610065


2004/9 - 2007/7,四川大学,生物医学工程,博士,导师:尹光福

2001/9 - 2004/7,四川大学,应用化学,硕士,导师:谢克难

1997/9 - 2001/7,四川大学,应用化学,学士


2012/7 -至今,四川大学,DB真人 ,副教授

2007/7 - 2012/7,四川大学,DB真人 ,讲师







1. Xianhua He, Yi Deng*, Yue Yu, Hao Lyu,Li Liao*. Drug-loaded/grafted peptide-modified porous PEEK to promote bone tissue repair and eliminate bacteria[J]. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 2019, 181: 767~777.

2. Zhiqiang Xu, Xianhua He, Mingwei Liang, Lijuan Sun, Di Li, Kenan Xie,Li Liao*. Catalytic reduction of 4-nitrophenol over graphene supported Cu@Ni bimetallic nanowires[J]. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2019.1.23, 227: 64~71.

3. Zhiqiang Xu, Mingwei Liang, Lijuan Sun, Kenan Xie,Li Liao*. Assembly of graphene-coated nickel nanowires and their catalytic performance[J]. Composite Interfaces, 2019, 26: 921~934.

4. Zhiqiang Xu, Mingwei Liang, Xianhua He, Qin Long, Jiancheng Yu, Kenan Xie,Li Liao*. The preparation of carbonized silk cocoon-Co-graphene composite and its enhanced electromagnetic interference shielding performance[J]. Composites Part A, 2019, 119: 111~118.

5. Zhiqiang Xu, Qin Long, Yi Deng*,Li Liao*. In situ synthesis and catalytic application of reduced graphene oxide supported cobalt nanowires[J]. Applied Surface Science, 2018, 441: 955~964.

6. Zhiqiang Xu, Wei Liu, Yuanyi Yang, Lijuan Sun, Yi Deng*,Li Liao*. Environmental-friendly and facile synthesis of Co3O4nanowires and their promising application with Graphene in Lithium-ion batteries[J]. Nanoscale Research Letters, 2017, 12: 615~624

7. Lijuan Sun, Xiaoyu Li, Zhiqiang Xu, Kenan Xie,Li Liao*. Synthesis and catalytic application of magnetic Co-Cu nanowires[J]. Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology, 2017, 8: 1769~1773.

8. Xiaoyu Li, Lijuan Sun, Hu Wang, Kenan Xie, Qin Long, Xuefei Lai,Li Liao*. Synthesis of cobalt nanowires in aqueous solution under an external magnetic field[J]. Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology, 2016, 7: 990~994.

9. Hu Wang, Xiaoyu Li, Ming Li,Li Liao*. Preparation of Ni/Cu composite nanowires[J]. Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology, 2015, 6: 1268~1271.

10.廖立,谢克难,黎明.一种制备钴铜合金纳米线的方法[P]. 2014, ZL201410054815.8
