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朱 权

发布时间 :2018年07月12日      阅读量:


朱权,男,理学博士,DB真人-DB真人试玩 教授,博士生导师。DB真人-DB真人试玩 国家工科化学教学基地主任/支部书记,四川大学燃烧动力学中心副主任,教育部空天动力燃烧与冷却工程研究中心副主任,新疆大学化学化工DB真人 副院长(2019年度中组部19博士团援疆)。中国化学会燃烧化学专委会秘书长,高校工程热物理专委会理事,教育部新世纪优秀人才,四川省学术与技术带头人后备人选。



Phone: 86-28-85402951

Mobile: 15928091298

Email: [email protected]

Homepage: //ccg.dbreal88.com

地址:四川大学化工DB真人 燃烧动力学中心406室邮编:610065



2001/9 - 2006/6,四川大学,物理化学,博士,导师:李象远

1997/9 - 2001/6,四川大学,应用化学,学士


2016/08 –今,四川大学,DB真人 ,教授

2019/01 –2020/01,新疆大学,化学化工DB真人 ,副院长(正处,援疆)

2015/03 –2016/08,四川大学,DB真人 ,副教授

2013/11 - 2015/03,四川大学,空天科学与工程DB真人 ,副教授(博导)

2011/6 - 2013/11,四川大学,DB真人 ,副教授


2006/7 - 2011/6,四川大学,DB真人 ,讲师(硕导)






















1.Wang Bo, Gong Xianlong, Zhang Ziduan,Zhu Quan*,Li Xiangyuan, Investigation on Carburization during the Repeated Coking and Decoking Process, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2020, 59(29): 13051-13059

2.Zhang Tianhao, Chen Yu, Liu Penghao, Zhou Lingxiao,Zhu Quan*, Wang Jianli, Li Xiangyuan, Investigation on the Thermal Cracking of n-Decane under Supercritical Pressure by a Developed Online-Sampling Experimental Method, PETROLEUM CHEMISTRY, 2020, 60(1): 39-44.

3. Yang Chengang, Quan Zongjie, Chen Yu,Zhu Quan*, Wang Jianli, Li Xiangyuan, A Comprehensive Investigation of the Pyrolysis Effect on Heat Transfer Characteristics for n-Decane in the Horizon Mini-Channel, ENERGY & FUELS, 2020, 34(1): 199-210.

4. Gong Xianlong, Wang Bo, Han Huaizhi , Kang Tao,Zhu Quan, Wang Jianli, Li Xiangyuan, Preparation of Al2O3 coating on TiN coating by polymer-assisted deposition to improve oxidation resistance in coking inhibition applications, Ceramics International, 2020, 46: 7774-7782.

5. Gong Xianlong, Zou Tengxiu, Deng Songhui,Zhu Quan*, Anti-coking application of TiO2 -Al2O3 composite coating prepared by MOCVD, TRANSACTIONS OF THE IMF, 2019, 98(1): 37-41.

6.Liu Penghao, Gao Xinke, Zhang Tianhao,Zhu Quan*, Wang Jianli, Li Xiangyuan*, Experimental and numerical investigation on the isobaric heat capacity for methylcyclohexane at high temperature and high pressure, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2019, 146: 613-621.

7. Liu Penghao, Zhang Tianhao, Zhou Lingxiao, Chen Zhicong,Zhu Quan*, Wang Jianli, Li Xiangyuan, Experimental and numerical analysis on flow characteristics and pyrolysis mechanism of hydrocarbon fuel with a novel online hybrid method, Energy Conversion and Management, 2019, 198: 111817.

8. Xu Huajie, Peng Lijuan, Wang Jingbo, Ren Haisheng*,Zhu Quan*, Li Xiangyuan, Relationship between Energetic Performance and Clustering Effects on Incremental Nitramine Groups: A Theoretical Perspective, Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2019, 123(4): 742-749.

9. Wang Bo, Wang Sanxing, Liu Bin,Zhu Quan*, Li Xiangyuan, Oxide film prepared by selective oxidation of stainless steel and anti-coking behavior during n-hexane thermal cracking, Surface & Coatings Technology, 2019, 378: 124952.

10. Chen Yu, Lei Zhiliang, Zhang Tianhao,Zhu Quan*,Bao Zewei, Zhang Qiyi, and Li Xiangyuan, Flow Distribution of Hydrocarbon Fuel in Parallel Minichannels Heat Exchanger, AIChE Journal, 2018, 64: 2781-2791.

11. Chen Yu, Liu Bin, Lei Zhiliang, Zhang Qiyi,Zhu Quan*, Bao Zewei, Zhang Qiyi, and Li Xiangyuan*, A control method for flow distribution in fuel-cooled plate based on choked flow effect, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2018, 142: 122-137.

12. Zhou Hao; Gao Xinke; Liu Penghao;Zhu Quan*, Wang Jianli, Li Xiangyuan*, Energy absorption and reaction mechanism for thermal pyrolysis of n-decane under supercritical pressure, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017, 112 : 403–412.

13. Liu, Bin; Wang, Zhongzheng;Zhu, Quan*;Li Xiangyuan; Wang, Jianli, Performance of Pt/ZrO2-TiO2-Al2O3 and coke deposition during methylcyclohexane catalytic cracking, Fuel, 2017, 200: 387-394.

14. Wang Zhongzheng; Zhang Hua; Li Shanshan; Wang Jianli;Zhu Quan*; Li Xiangyuan, The performance of Rh/SiO2-Al2O3 catalysts in methycyclohexane cracking reaction, JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL AND APPLIED PYROLYSIS, 2017, 124: 475-485.

15. Peng Li-Juan; Yao Qian; Wang Jing-Bo; Li Ze-Rong;Zhu Quan*; Li XiangYuan, Pyrolysis of RDX and Its Derivatives via Reactive Molecular Dynamics Simulations, ACTA PHYSICO-CHIMICA SINICA, 2017, 33: 745-754.

16. Li XiongJian, Zhang Hua, Liu Bin,Zhu Quan*, Wang Jianli, Li Xiangyuan, Mo-promoted catalysts for supercritical n-decane cracking, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2016, 102: 1238-1240.

17. Zhang Yong, Zhang Shanghong, Zhang Tianhao, Zou Tengxiu,Zhu Quan*, Wang Jianli, Li Xiangyuan, Characterization of MOCVD TiO2 coating and its anti-coking application in cyclohexane pyrolysis, Surface Coating Technology, 2016, 296: 108-116.

18. Liu Bin,Zhu Quan*,Li Xiangyuan, Wang Jianli, Heat Sink Enhancement of Supercritical Methylcyclohexane Cracking over La Modified Beta Zeolite. Journal of Propulsion Power, 2016, 32(4): 801-809.

19. Gao Xinke, Wen Xu, Zhou Hao,Zhu Quan*,Wang Jianli, Li Xiangyuan*, Novel Measurement of Isobaric Specific Heat Capacity for Kerosene RP-3 at High Temperature and High Pressure,Thermochimica Acta, 2016, 638: 113-119.

20.文旭,周灏,高新科,朱权*,王健礼,李象远,苯高温高压下流体密度的在线测量,推进技术,2015, 36(9): 1403-1409.
