

美国阿肯色大学Ranil Wickramasinghe教授来DB真人 作学术报告

发布时间 :2016年07月04日      阅读量:

2016年6月29日下午,美国阿肯色大学Ranil Wickramasinghe教授在四川大学望江校区化工DB真人 245室分别做了题目为“Multifunctional Membrane for Advanced Separations”的精彩学术报告。会议由化工DB真人 院长褚良银教授主持、来自四川大学化工DB真人 和化学DB真人 的教师和同学共同参加了此次报告会。



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Ranil Wickramasinghe教授简介:

Professor Ranil Wickramasinghe holds the Ross E Martin Chair in Emerging Technologies in the Ralph E Martin Department of Chemical Engineering at the University of Arkansas. He is the Director of the University of Arkansas Site of the Membrane Science, Engineering and Technology (MAST) Center. The MAST Center is the only National Science Foundation Industry and University Cooperative Research Center that focuses on Membrane Science.

Prof. Ranil obtained his PhD from the University of Minnesota in Chemical Engineering. He worked for the biotechnology Industry in Boston before joining the Department of Chemical Engineering at Colorado State University. In 2011 he joined the University of Arkansas. Prof. Ranil has published over 120 peer reviewed journal articles, several book chapters and is co-editor of a book on responsive membrane and materials. He is active in the American Institute of Chemical Engineers and was the Meeting Program Chair of the 2014 Annual Meeting in San Francisco. He has also served on the Board of Directors of the North American Membrane Society. Prof. Ranil is the meeting co-chair for the International Congress on Membranes and Membrane Processes (ICOM) 2017 to be held 29 July-4 August 2017 in San Francisco.

Prof. Ranil’s research focuses on membrane-based separation processes for purification of pharmaceuticals and biopharmaceuticals, treatment and reuse of water and for the production of biofuels. Typical unit operations include: microfiltration, ultrafiltration, virus filtration, nanofiltration, membrane extraction etc. A current research focus is surface modification of membranes in order to impart unique surface properties. His group is actively developing responsive membranes. These membranes change their physical properties in response to changed environmental conditions. A second research focus is the development of catalytic membranes for biomass hydrolysis by grafting catalytic groups to the membrane surface.



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